I'm guessing you have a closet and drawer somewhere full of old stuff you never use, or keep "just in case." There are clothes, books, jewelry, memorabilia, odds & ends, random collections you used to care about, holiday decorations you got from your grandparents...LOTS of stuff. If we're getting ready to use our super powers already inside us, we need to shed each old version of truth and uncover the core that is left. Think of each old version as a beta test or old revision number for a program. YOU version 1.0 has been obsolete for years, you're on version 35.0.8 now, upgrade already! Core Programming As per my recent post, Who You Are Is Under Other People's Baggage, this is your core programming. It's always a complete and usable version of YOU, but all of the mods, skins, add-ons, and extras can bog down the system, or even cause it to malfunction. Yeah, I just compared you to a computer program, but seriously, you work best when you're upgrading the core program instead of trying to use 3rd party modifications.
"...all of the mods, skins, add-ons, and extras can bog down the system, or even cause it to malfunction. Yeah, I just compared you to a computer program."
Who you are at your core doesn't change much, it's how you express it. Some of the ways we like to express who we are is by the stuff we keep in our lives, and how we choose to live.
New Success
Being bogged down by all this stuff and baggage is absolutely draining! Just think about all the darkness, secrets, and uncomfortable feelings you've shoved down inside you. It takes constant energy to keep it all there. The more you stuff in that heart closet of yours, the more pressure it puts on you to keep it there. Wouldn't it be nice to use all that energy for something else? Did you ever get up on stage as a kid and have people laugh at you? You've probably tucked that memory down so tight you forgot about it, but you still feel afraid to speak in public. This is a common occurrence that we just love to hold onto. This kind of situation can lead to a fear of failure. We begin to expect perfection because we don't want to deal with the uncomfortableness of trying. We believe being uncomfortable is too high a cost to bear, and therefore we don't bother trying at all.
If we began to understand or heal our experiences, we'd no longer allow those thoughts and beliefs to have power over us, or stop us from doing things in the future.
"...no longer allow those thoughts and beliefs to have power over us, or stop us from doing things in the future."
Do you see how easily holding onto baggage can lead to self-sabotage?
Let Go of the Stuff
You can't climb that mountain with 4 backpacks on your back & chest, 10 ropes dragging equipment, and 2 kids hanging off each leg. How are you supposed to take the next step let alone climb the whole mountain?!
Purging mind, body, spirit, and environment has been around for a while. It's only been recently that various forms of minimalistic practices are being accepted as mainstream (Thanks to "Tidying Up With Marie Kondo," the minimalist lifestyle, & the tiny house trend).
Uncovering the core version of YOU is under all this stagnant energy and weight of stuff. Cleaning out our environment is one of the easiest & best ways to restart the BEDMAS of Wellness™ cycle all over again and start preventing all that stagnant energy from piling up in our mind, body, and spiriting the first place.
To get you started, here are a few ways to help clear out the mind, body, & spirit to prepare you for newer & better things: MIND:
releasing old beliefs
outwardly & appropriately expressing emotion
letting go of judgement
writing down thoughts
staying organized
cleaning out your space of unnecessary stuff
getting proper sleep & rest
choosing healthful eating
drinking enough water
moving & exercising
honouring your values
choosing rituals you resonate with
saying "no" to things that don't align with you
adjusting your social circles
treating yourself the way you want to be treated
In With the New
Now that some of the baggage and extra weight of things that don't serve you are gone, you'll have some energy to start working on those goals you set for yourself. Don't get too far ahead of yourself! You'll need to redistribute some of that energy to healing & expression so you don't go back to shoving everything inside. The rest can be used to fully show up in whatever you decide honours your values.
"Shift your energy, feel lighter, and watch yourself start to do amazing things you never thought would happen to you."
Success is harder only because it requires consistency, persistence, and more initial effort than what the average person is willing to put in. Most people feel the friction of getting started so they stop. They might try again, but still don't give it proper effort to get past the first stage. You're smarter than that. You understand you need to ask for help, especially at the beginning! Once you gain the practice and experience, you can start to take over on your own. It requires all of that extra energy inside you to shift.
Shift your energy, feel lighter, and watch yourself start to do amazing things you never thought would happen to you.
What wins have YOU had lately, big OR small?
Share by using the hashtag #BEDMASlife.
Learn, Love, and keep your Momentum,
Laura Lake <3