Who is Laura Lake? | Why are YOU here? | How can we help each other?
Who is Laura Lake?
An east coast gal from small town Nova Scotia who has taken her passions for architecture, wellness, and why we do what we do, to combine them into something unique.
Using the BEDMAS of Wellness™ system, my upcoming book called "Health Starts With B," various online training programs, the premium coaching program, and speaking,
I help entrepreneurs improve their mental health &
create a foundation of wellness for higher performance.

Laura Lake
the "Super Motivator"
Super Powers:
- Bridging Ideas/ Web thinking
- Constructive Vulnerability
- Cares about & empowers people
- Infectious Smiles & Energy ^.^
- Playful & thoughtful deep conversation
Why am I here?

I thought I had my life together.
I was going far in my career, had a house, a car, a family, great health and yet ONE thing turned my life upside down.
I was in a bicycle accident.
While laying on the ground, the paramedic said to me,
"If you were any other person, you'd be dead right now."
After being diagnosed with PTSD, I saw many doctors & wellness practitioners, and focused my research to help me get back to some semblance of "normal."
Mental Health plays a huge role in success.
Every aspect of your life is affected by how you think, feel, act, and by what you believe. I'm here to help you shift that.
Why are YOU here?
You want to do great things and you KNOW you have lots of potential. You're told to work hard, so you hustle. You're told how you should be doing things, so you follow that advice.
You accept that it's normal to work long hours, be a Jack-of-all-trades, & the queen of DIY. With late nights & early mornings there's no time for the gym, meal prep, or loved ones let alone the 7-9 hours of sleep you need.
You've become the master of procrastination and indecision is costing your business time & money. The lack of focus and clarity of direction makes everyday really busy... but hardly productive. You're not seeing results, you're not motivated to persevere, and your confidence has been eroded away.
You're tired, anxious, & burnt out.
What do you do?

You vow to make a change.
You take in webinars, podcasts, videos and countless articles & books on how you can improve your business. You feel even more stuck now than before because everyone is telling you something different that worked for them.
You try to motivate yourself with daily quotes, sign up for that latest gym class, order healthier choices from your favourite places, get up earlier to attempt to meditate or go for a walk before breakfast.
You offer more types of services in hopes of getting more business, spend all day on social media trying to find new leads and still end up feeling overwhelmed.
You've made a bit of progress from your efforts but this still isn't the lifestyle you wanted. You want a business you love, working with people who get you, making a living you're happy with.
I've Been There.
The biggest thing holding me back was myself.
It's a harsh reality we face to know that who we are right now is either helping... or hindering... our efforts.
Through A LOT of personal development I realized I was following the "shoulds," placing expectations on others (especially family & friends), not taking care of myself enough, pushing instead of being pulled by my WHY, and not getting clear enough to truly serve boldly & authentically.
I'm DONE letting my mental health dictate my success. I can do it.
I'm DONE looking for things in others. I will find them in myself.
I'm DONE avoiding my feelings. I'll manage them with kindness.
The things I think, feel, do & believe have shifted.
Are you ready to make a SHIFT?

How can we help each other?
I believe we can change the world.
Confidence, Joy & Energy everyday.
Clarity, Direction & Focus for yourself & your business.
To do the things you love with the people who matter.
​Here's what I need from you first:
Courage to SHAKE UP your mind, body & sprit.
Understand YOU are your greatest asset in your business.
Curiosity to connect with & get to know yourself.
Commit to growth
Spread change by doing what YOU do best!