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Not-So-Secret Formula for Wellness

Updated: Oct 30, 2019

The D20 necklace used to be one of my favourite nerdy earrings.

There are some wonderful people out on the internet & at wellness businesses all over the place that are practicing various forms of holistic health. Though the term may have been first recorded in the 1920's, the health industry is only recently starting to make big changes to push for good habits BEYOND diet & exercise. Today I will share the very basics of my not-so-secret formula for wellness. You can learn more through the online course called BEYOND Diet & Exercise, or get involved in helping me to research and write my first book called Health Starts With B.

Formula Creation Getting physical results like weight loss used to be easy until I was in a bicycle accident in 2011. I was diagnosed with PTSD, eating a near paleo diet, and in the gym 3-5 days a week as well as seeing many doctors to help me heal.

Starting health from the inside out is what was missing...

Nothing was working the way it had right before the accident. Something was being thrown into the equation that didn't impact me so much before. It was my mental health & what I call the interior factors. Starting health from the inside out is what was missing from most of the conversation around health. I really had to look to find a more holistic approach to wellness. In all this extra research and testing, I found a process that gave me ripple effect results with less mental load & effort.

This is the formula I now call the BEDMAS of Wellness™ formula.

This is the formula I now call the BEDMAS of Wellness™ formula.

How Does It Work? BEDMAS is a mathematical term. Don't be scared! We take out all the math terms and put in health related terms instead. Feel better? (Personally, I love math!) Ok, so BEDMAS is the order of operations and stands for brackets (or P for parenthesis), exponents, division, multiplication, addition, and subtraction. It's how we approach any math equation. We're going to use it the same way. Do each part of the BEDMAS of Wellness™ formula in order. Watch how each step will change the outcome of everything after it in a significant way. Yes, each and every aspect of health is related and changing one later in the equation will affect the ones at the beginning. The difference is that we are working on prevention not reaction.

Letter Meanings

Here's where I'll keep things basic. All you need right now is direction, so that's our focus. I'd love to get more in-depth by sharing it with you via your favourite training event or conference because there's too much for blog posts. If you know an audience who would benefit, be sure to connect us! Your help is greatly appreciated.

The letters are divided into 2 groups: Interior & Exterior factors. Interior factors are all the things that happen within our bodies: B = Bed + rest E = Emotional Health D = Determine & Decide your why Exterior Factors are all the things we do to our bodies with outside influences: M = Make your Meals

A = Activity S = Surroundings

Basic Descriptions

Each letter could mean a lot of things to a lot of people, so let's give a bit more clarity before you create a more personal picture of each area.


  • Bed + rest written like that on purpose. It's not just nighttime sleep, but daytime rest for mind, body, and soul.

  • Emotional health putting an emphasis on how we deal with emotions when it comes to our mental health & ability to allow ourselves to thrive.

  • Determine & Decide your why about finding clarity of who you are and deciding to live life based on your personal reasons, values, and priorities.


  • Make your Meals about knowing where your food comes from, how it's made, and learning to eat so you communicate with & nourish your body.

  • Activity movement, plain & simple. Whether it's getting up from your chair every hour, to walking, or going to the gym, our bodies crave motion.

  • Surroundings all about the environmental feedback through our 5 (or more) senses that help create our perception of reality.

Use the Formula I want you to write it down right now. B, E, D, M, A, S. Write what they stand for. Keep the formula in your pocket, on your phone, in your wallet & purse. Look at it when you feel stuck or lost in your health journey.

Keep the formula in your pocket, on your phone, in your wallet & purse.

Start with B. Lol, yes that's the name of this website & most of book title. Nice eye! Why? Because that's where the formula begins...B. That's where you begin. Here are the steps:

  1. Start with B - Starting with a reset just like a computer or phone will help alleviate some of the struggle from being bogged down in your mind, body, or spirit.

  2. E - Address what goes on in your mind so you can control how you think (which is part of the 4 reasons we fail) and what motivates you to make decisions that affect external factors.

  3. D - Get to know yourself, what you like, why you do things, etc. Make the decision in your mind and immediately take action. Mel Robbin's 5 second rule may help.

  4. M - Figure out your schedule, hangups, preferences, allergies, and what makes you feel great. Stick to moderation and adjust according to you.

  5. A - Get moving. Move often, sweat a few times a week, focus on releasing more stress than you cause on not just your mind, but your body and soul as well.

  6. S - Find the people, places, and things that light you up and continue to aim for more of it. The right information coming in helps the right habits to come out.

Do them in order & when you finish, do it again. It's a continuous cycle.

Next Steps

Your next steps are to take note of where you are. How does this simple formula change the way you respond to life and live in your journey?

Have issues in one area? How can I adjust the letters before that area to cause ripple effect changes without extra effort? Remember, everything is interconnected. Life is a team effort. I'm here if you need extra support. What area is easiest for YOU? Which is hardest? Share by using the hashtag #BEDMASlife now that you know what it means.

Learn, Love, and keep your Momentum, Laura Lake <3


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Laura Lake

As an ENFJ, Laura sees the potential in those around her and strives to help them grow. Whether it's designing healthy buildings or speaking to an audience on stage, Laura shows her passion, playfulness and authenticity.


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