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Subconscious Powers For Success

Creativity is NOT just for creatives. It's how we problem solve.

"The subconscious is recognized as the source of creativity, intuition, inspiration, inner knowing, interconnectedness, and spiritual enlightenment." - The Inner Language of the Subconscious by Abigail Brenner M.D.

All of these things are important aspects of helping you succeed, yet your subconscious is negatively affected by stress & trauma.

Psst! It Sees Everything

Your subconscious is amazing at picking up everything in your environment and storing all of that information. It regulates all of the automatic things we don't think about. It's even where habits are stored, so we can ride a bike or drive a car without too much detailed thought.

The subconscious is also the gatekeeper of your comfort zone. It likes habit, safety, & predictability. That's why when stress & trauma occur, it can hide emotion & memory, as a protective mechanism.

Every time the subconscious tries to protect us, it gives up some of it's power to help us succeed. When we consciously make the decision to shove something down inside, or to lock it away in our mental closet, that also takes away more subconscious power.

Soon, our subconscious is full of "voids." Imagine a puzzle missing a few pieces or some are painted over. It's still the same picture, but we start to lose understanding of the image when it becomes too unclear.

These Are The "Voids" You're Looking For

We feel stuck. Without the whole picture, how do we move forward & succeed? In order to get unstuck, we have to be willing to look at the issue. Nobody said anything about fixing it yet, we're just being open to looking at it. If you don't want to look at your "voids", then identify the resistance. Opening ourselves up to seeing our deeper layers is a powerful force to initiate change. It means we are willing to look at who we are. The more we practice looking at deeper layers of ourselves, the more we grow, the more we see, the more we allow ourselves to just be. Stress & trauma can get in the way of seeking this authenticity. Remember, Who We Are Is Under Other People's Baggage.

Subconscious "Google"

Stress & trauma can drag us into toxic thinking. Think of every thought you have as a Google search. Google keeps track of our search history to promote certain ads, websites, and types of content that may be interesting to us. What we focus on or search for, we get more of.

Our subconscious works the same way. It's a powerhouse of information but doesn't think in words & labels, it works in concepts.

Our subconscious... It's a powerhouse of information but doesn't think in words & labels, it works in concepts.

Since our subconscious works in concepts, changing the incoming data of our environment will help to change our experiences. Think about how you're using your 5 (or more) senses to interact with the people, places, and things around you everyday.

Think about the environments in which you live, work, and play. What are you subconsciously googling? What kinds of mental search results are you getting? Do they represent feeling stuck or are they focused on your desired intentions?

We choose who we want to be by creating patterns NOW, that point us in the direction of our desired future. Who do you want to be? Practice making more positive and constructive mental google searches.

What makes me so resilient?

Who am I inspiring by practicing what I preach?

How do my super powers help my community?

Subconscious Super Powers

The subconscious has so many super powers for success. It just wants to keep you safe by holding onto emotions and memories, but at what point is it no longer worth the cost to your success?

How does your ability to manage stress, emotions, and trauma affect the strength of these super powers? How do these powers specifically affect YOUR definition or success?

  1. Creativity is how you do everything (logical or creative). You're an entrepreneur, it's your job to think differently, innovate, create, and solve problems. It's how you shine!

  2. Intuition is just your subconscious reading all the data and giving you an answer or making a prediction. It's also known as a gut feeling. Heal it to feel it.

  3. Inspiration is a combination of what you care about and clarity on the action needed to honour it.

  4. Inner Knowing is just your subconscious raising it's hand because it knows the answer. It stores everything as is. Heal the voids and practice listening.

  5. Interconnectedness is a long word, but it's how you put things together, how it all relates, and how you fit into the concepts & universe.

  6. Spiritual Enlightenment is seeing our beliefs for what they are and constantly peeling back the layers to see deeper meaning & understanding.

Habits weren't made in a day. Success & luck aren't either. Fill your mental search bar with positive ways to get there. Get back in touch with your real & deep self.

What would you fill your mental search bar with?

Share by using the hashtag #BEDMASlife.

Learn, Love, and keep your Momentum,

Laura Lake <3



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Laura Lake

As an ENFJ, Laura sees the potential in those around her and strives to help them grow. Whether it's designing healthy buildings or speaking to an audience on stage, Laura shows her passion, playfulness and authenticity.


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