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Habits Help Earn Success

As I'm writing my chapter in a collaborative book called bLU Talks presents: Business, Life, & the Universe, I understand in even more detail, just how much our daily habits affect every aspect of our lives & our success. The message of the chapter is that everything in life is connected & our daily choices create the patterns that outline our future self & success.

Wow, deep...I know, but it makes me excited at the same time as staring at the same words over and over trying to wrap my head around it all.

Mmm...graph paper. I have so many notebooks. ^.^

In last week's blog about the practice of habits, we discussed why we use them, how they work, and what to do to change them. This week I wanted to get into a bit more of the connection between habits & success.

The Daily Factor

Habits are practiced and repetitive routines that no longer require full conscious thought and effort to perform. The more practiced, the more automatic these behaviours become.

"Being consistent works better when you're also being present."

Someone who is good at anything has had a good amount of direct practice (Ex. sport practice before a game or blogging before writing a full book), or indirect practice (Ex. practicing a similar sport, or teaching people your content in person). No matter which style of practice you choose, consistent effort is required to build the mental pathways for easy recall & use.

Being consistent works better when you're also being present. When starting something new, it's a great idea to immerse yourself in it with as much focus and attention as possible. The beginning stages of carving your rut or desired path, takes more effort & support than once you get going because there's nothing to follow or copy yet. You're creating it so roll up your sleeves and get digging.

Success is Practice Practice doesn't make perfect, but it does keep lowering our chances of failure. Success is not about coincidence or dumb luck. It's doing the right thing, at the right time, in the right way, in the same direction. It's not just about knowing what to do and how to do it, but implementing a plan that puts it all together in a forward motion.

"[Success is] not just about knowing what to do and how to do it, but implementing a plan that puts it all together in a forward motion."

Technically, we craft our own coincidences, opportunities, and luck with our practices. We are setting ourselves up to be successful by putting ourselves in the same types of experiences that help us think and act the way we need to for success. Greater chances of success are EARNED through practice & habit. (Ex. Riding a bike.)

A Teaching Example

How you treat yourself, your spaces, and your things is how the world learns how to treat you in return. Words can only say so much, but the living, breathing, authentic you can show your desires & boundaries through actions. Show criticism, get criticism. Show compassion, understanding, & love, and you'll get the same coming back to you.

Success loves company, but so does misery & struggle. It sounds counterintuitive, but we tend to give others what we would like to receive from them. Want support & mentorship to reach the next level of success? Right now I'm guessing you give a lot of it to the people you feel are about 2 steps behind you in their journey. If you can't articulate what you need from others, look at how you give to others.

Find these behavioural patterns, see how they compare to the patterns of your success, and start practicing the daily habits that keep the momentum going.

A few examples of areas you can focus on:

  • clarity

  • direction

  • joy/happiness

  • service

  • confidence

  • health

  • making decisions

Best Practices

The best practices are the ones you want to do that also bring you closer to your goals. If you need help bribing yourself to do something you know you "should" do, I urge you to check out the blog post How To Want What You Need. One of the best practices you can do is look after YOU! That means mind, body, and spirit wellness. That means learning to know, like, and trust yourself like you want from your clients & customers. That means practicing what you preach and being an example of how bad-ass you are! We don't ask for perfection, just that you consistently practice.

What would you do if you knew WHO you are?

Imagine being authentically you all the time. What would it feel like to love & ACCEPT yourself? Imagine what it would be like if you truly liked every aspect of yourself.

How would your actions change if you knew you'd be OKAY? Imagine knowing you have your own back every single time & will persevere.

Bring Your A Game Putting YOU first shows you want to give us your best. We want your best. We need you to bring us your best but not at the expense of your health. There's a difference between working hard & working smart.

Habits take practice and hard work at first but it does get easier. Next week let's talk about the "hustle," burnout, and overwhelm. I'd prefer you dance than work yourself sick. See you next week! Share who YOU are, how it would feel to accept yourself, and how your actions would change if you knew you'd be okay in the end. Use the hashtag #BEDMASlife. Live, Love, and keep your Momentum, Laura Lake <3


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Laura Lake

As an ENFJ, Laura sees the potential in those around her and strives to help them grow. Whether it's designing healthy buildings or speaking to an audience on stage, Laura shows her passion, playfulness and authenticity.


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