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Celebrate The Friction of Change

Take-off is the hardest part, followed by leaving our atmosphere. We still celebrate each step.

Why does it feel SO hard to create change? It feels like we just get started before we fall off the path to our goals and start blaming, shaming, and feeling guilty. Is it the baggage we carry from others? Is it lack of energy we use to store all the stuff we don't want to deal with? Where do we keep getting hung up & how do we stand up, brush ourselves off, and get back on track? The Hardest Parts One of the hardest parts of change is getting started. Going from static to movement means gathering up enough energy to overcome the friction of whatever you're sitting on. The rougher and stickier the foundation, the harder it is to get moving. Friction is just the force that resists movement. The second hardest part of change is when you've been doing it for a while but it hasn't quite turned into a habit yet. You're so close and yet feeling the energy loss of keeping the pace for so long has you wearing out.

Minimizing the Starting Friction Your foundation can be a mix of many things. What do you believe? What resources do you have? What kind of support and information are you starting with? Think about all the things you stand on, that give you footing. It can be the people, places, & things. It can be our thoughts, actions, feelings, and beliefs. The smoother & easier the foundation, the less effort is needed to get started. Which pieces of your life are holding you up and which are holding you down?

"Which pieces of your life are holding you up and which are holding you down?"

A couple weeks ago we talked about all the weight and baggage you carry. They both slow you down and run you down. Knowing who you are keeps you grounded, but the lighter you are means there is less unnecessary weight forcing you into the foundational surface.

What is the best way to travel: square wheels or round? Round of course! So why not set yourself up for movement by shifting your mind, body, spirit, & space to allow for it. Shifting energy away from staying stuck & comfortable, to allowing change & taking action will help you prevent self-sabotage. Think of it as lifting the ground ties & stabilizers, and preparing yourself to move.

Celebrate Change To Keep Momentum

It's 3 weeks/months/years in and you're feeling the pressure. I get it, it sucks right now, but stick it out (Unless it is dangerous to keep going...please stay safe). Change doesn't happen right away the way we want it to. Oooooohhh how we want it to!

Just when you're thinking of quitting, remember that where you are now is NOT where you started. Are you even the same you you were last week? No. Take note of where you started.

- What makes you different? - What have you learned? - What obstacles have you encountered? - How did you handle those obstacles?

- How will you adjust because of your experience?

Celebrate this change. Celebrate all the small wins, all the big wins, and anything that has meaning to you. This could be as simple as taking 1 minute to see it, smile, nod, say the win out loud, and tell yourself "Hey Laura, great job sending those e-mails to new people about the solopreneur conference survey. Yes, you were scared, nervous, and excited but you did it! Go you!" Then I give myself a high-five in my head and carry on.

Celebrating your progress helps you get back up when you fall. It helps you reconnect with WHY you even started this journey to begin with, and brushes off the dirt clouding your desires. Getting back on track is recommitting to practicing your why time and time again. This is why we celebrate progress. There's high value in recognizing & validating our efforts.


By taking the time out to celebrate, we validate ourselves. Validation is something we tend to seek from others, but by giving it to ourselves it means we understand and accept ourselves. This acceptance improves our self-value, motivation, management of thoughts & emotions, and even helps us make better choices.

Wait, so celebrating the reality of my own achievements helps me feel like I'm enough? Yes. Whoa, so if I feel like I'm enough then I won't feel like so much of an imposter? Oh yes. Get support right from the start, get mentorship during the hard parts, and celebrate your wins along the way. Tell me all about the changes you see.

What validation do you need? How will you give it to yourself?

Share by using the hashtag #BEDMASlife.

Learn, Love, and keep your Momentum,

Laura Lake <3


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Laura Lake

As an ENFJ, Laura sees the potential in those around her and strives to help them grow. Whether it's designing healthy buildings or speaking to an audience on stage, Laura shows her passion, playfulness and authenticity.


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