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24 Tips to Guide Your Wellness - Part 1

Updated: Apr 18, 2019

Your first question may be “How do I lose weight quickly?” or “How many calories do I need to lose weight?” but just take a minute, sit right there, & I’ll give you 24 TIPS to help guide your health & fitness journey.

Ready? Here we GO! (said in Mario voice)

1.  Start NOW

If getting fit & healthy is really a priority, then start doing something; anything, right now. By starting Monday or January 1st you’re saying to yourself it’s not important enough yet.

2.  Start with a growth mindset.

A fixed mindset is where you think the traits like intelligence & talent cannot be developed, so they aim to look smart & avoid challenges.

A growth mindset is where you want to develop intelligence, so they aim to learn from challenges, setbacks & criticism.

3.  View your journey as a series of BETA tests.

Taking action toward health is a very individual journey & there's a lot of trial and error that will occur.

Embrace failure, because for each thing your find that doesn't work, you are 1 step closer to something that is right for you.

"Embrace failure..."

4.  Surround yourself with like-minded people.

Hanging out with people 2-steps ahead of you, who on the same journey, will help you progress even faster. You start to adopt their habits, rituals & mindset.

5.  Keep notes.

Document how you feel, what actions you take & your results. You'll start to see trends, triggers & measurable change!

6.  Health is BEYOND diet & exercise.

Health starts on the inside and covers a variety of areas. Learn about other things like sleep, mental health & our environment. Learn the BEDMAS of Wellness™ formula that explains the "order of operations" of health by clicking HERE.

"Diet is MORE than diet & exercise!"

7.  Document & measure what you want to change.

Measure the basics like weight & body measurements until you get in the "normal" weight range. On top of that, measure what matters to you.

If you need to bring your blood pressure down, keep tabs on your blood sugar, or be able to run a kilometer in a certain time frame, measure those things as well!

8.  Determine your WHY.

People like to lose weight because they should, summertime or a certain occasion, but is that the real reason people take action? Keep asking yourself why you want to look good, why you want to feel good & once you dig deeper and the answer stops changing; that's your why.

...once you dig deeper and the answer stops changing; that's your why.

9.  Aim for lifestyle changes.

Could you eat broth everyday for the rest of your life?

Of course not! It's delicious & nutritious, but hardly sustainable. Find a way of taking care of yourself that doesn't involve unhealthy behaviors that will leave you binging and empty.

10.  Focus on 1 thing, then add on.

Too many things at once leads to burn-out & frustration, but staying with 1 skill or action will keep you stuck. Practice each step a few times, then add in the next one to keep moving forward.

11.  Set up routines you actually LIKE.

There's no point in wasting time, effort & money on something you don't enjoy or benefit from. Set up routines for things like sleep & exercising with activities and rituals that make you want to continue doing them.

12.  Practice self-awareness with Mindfulness

Action + Awareness = Progress

By understanding what is going on in our mind & body, we help dissipate the fog & can take proper action to reach our goals.

Action + Awareness = Progress

I know we can grow ourselves! Join the community & let's do it together!

Laura Lake

Want Part 2 of the 24 Tips to Guide Your Wellness? Click HERE.


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Laura Lake

As an ENFJ, Laura sees the potential in those around her and strives to help them grow. Whether it's designing healthy buildings or speaking to an audience on stage, Laura shows her passion, playfulness and authenticity.


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