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You're Afraid of Your Own Power

Fear of success, being visible, and showing up, is just fear of your own power.

When you first started this entrepreneurial journey you were probably afraid to fail. Then you realized it's more a fear of success because you're stopping yourself.

Wait, why are you stopping yourself? Ohh, because you're afraid of putting yourself out there & really showing up. What if you let people down? That feels awful. Let's not bring THAT up. Oh yes, let's bring that up!

Fear of Power

Showing up fully has us thinking about being perfect & if we falter, we could let somebody down. "Oh my, it's the end of the world. We're kicked out of the tribe for not living up to other people's expectations of us and we die trying to survive on our own."

Wow, our survival instinct is such a pessimist.

According to, power is the "ability to do or act; capability of doing or accomplishing something." When we describe power it's usually paired with wealth and the phrase "rich & powerful" is commonly used.

What do you think of when you think of rich people?

If you haven't worked on your money mindset, you probably still describe the wealthy as "filthy" or "monsters." Who do you know that actually wants to be & act like a monster? Not me!

Success to Power

If power means we could become a monster, and success means we gain power, then why would we want success?

Defining what success looks like for YOU is a great place to start. Go through your 5 (or more) senses and fill in these details. Add colours, textures, people, places, and things. Go through the motions in your mind, on paper, or wherever it will inspire you to look at it and experience it.

Does any of this look like a bad idea? Are you feeling filthy or like a monster for wanting any of this?

How will this vision of success affect those around you? If uncomfortable emotions come up while answering the above questions, it just means you know where you need to do some mindset work. These questions are to show you that success and power can be used for so much good. This gift of growth & impact alone is worth pursuing success.

Showing up for Success

There is no sustained success unless we commit to showing up consistently for it. We're afraid to show up because we feel at some point we'll drop the ball, not be able to handle the pressure, and let people down. If we weren't able to handle this level of success well enough yet, we wouldn't have gotten this far. Success comes from practice, not perfection. We're human, balls can and have been dropped by many people in many ways. What makes us so special that we think we'll be the only human being that will never drop a ball?

What makes us so special that we think we'll be the only human being that will never drop a ball?

At the root of this fear of power is the fear of hurting ourselves or others. We fear we'll have more potential to hurt people when we take back our power & stop giving it away to external things. Who hurts people?

Hurt people, hurt people.

Your Hurt is How You Hurt

This fear of hurting others is because WE feel hurt, but we tend to push it down. It gets squished inside and we feel the power that comes with greater success is going to make it explode out of us.

We can only show others our truth & what we know as normal.

Trauma, according to, is just "an experience that produces psychological injury or pain." Who do you know that has felt mental & emotional pain? Please note that everyone reacts differently to this pain. Some develop PTSD while others just ignore it.

Over 70% of people in the US have experienced a traumatic event. Most trauma is developed in childhood not necessarily just from traumatic events, but also by having consistently unmet needs. You can learn more about these childhood needs from Better Therapy.

Taking Back Your Power

How do you take back your power so you WANT to be visible, show up, go after success, and KNOW you'll use your power for good?

You start to heal your trauma, stored stresses, unhelpful beliefs, and hurt.

Healed people, heal people.

I want YOU to know that the more you do this work, the more freedom, confidence, energy, motivation, joy, and even peace you can have.

How Do I Know?

Personally, I've spent over $10k out of pocket in the first 3 years after my accident trying to heal myself in the best ways I knew how. It would have been well over double that if I didn't find ways to work with professionals from all over the world in any capacity possible.

All I ask is that you stand up for YOU!

Admit to yourself that there are emotions holding you back, that you deserve to let the full you out of the pit in your stomach, and that you matter enough to put time and energy into taking care of you.

We need you. You need you.

What would the world look like if you were even 10% more confident, quicker at making decisions, or less stressed? What would your business look like? How would the people around you respond to this shift?

Want to help me build my NEW coaching program for people just like YOU?

Send me a message here on my website or tag me on social media. Use the hashtag #BEDMASlife.

Learn, Love, and keep your Momentum, Laura Lake <3


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Laura Lake

As an ENFJ, Laura sees the potential in those around her and strives to help them grow. Whether it's designing healthy buildings or speaking to an audience on stage, Laura shows her passion, playfulness and authenticity.


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