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Success Is In The Clarity - Part 2

Having a different perspective will help highlight things you've never noticed before.

This is part 2 of last week's post about problem solving and the story of clarity. (You can find Part 1 HERE.) We were going over the spreadsheet I had created when I decided to fully immerse myself in the coaching side of my business. The sheet had 8 key words running down the left side of my page that I felt would move my clients forward. These people are heart-centered solopreneurs looking to manage their mind for higher performance. The first word on my list is CLARITY. Recap

Defining each key word is very important to keep us all on the same page. I highly recommend and because frankly, they're easy to spell and remember. Outlining the initial benefits gives us something to desire so we stop running from what we fear and start directing ourselves toward something that moves us forward. Knowing how these benefits actually lead to the type of success you want is going to give you the insight and motivation to take action.

To get more depth & detail on all of this as it pertains to clarity, read Part 1.

The Basis of the Benefits

Benefits like "more easily achieve your goals" sounds great on paper but seriously, how does this even work?! How can one claim such benefits to something as simple as gaining more clarity? Problem solving is a simple process that starts with gaining clarity around the issue you're trying to solve. The process isn't complicated but that doesn't make it easy to do.

The magic happens when you put in the work to dig deeper. The problem may not actually be the root problem, but just a symptom of a different problem. The farther back you go the more ripple effect results you can get with less time & effort. Sign me up!

These benefits happen because clarity works by:

  • gaining awareness

  • uncovering values

  • identifying priorities

  • rooting whys

  • realizing purposes

  • shining light on passions

  • building visions

  • guiding thoughts

  • making choices to create reality

  • being able to set & enforce boundaries

  • having mental space to respond vs react

  • ...etc.

What questions come up in your life that you find difficult to answer? Do you get caught up in trying to find just 1 true life purpose?

Do you have boundaries and standards from which to operate?

Taking Action

I can here some of you from here..."Ughh, just get to the how-tos!" Patience my young Padawan (Yoda quote). Taking action without knowing why your taking it or what the intention is by taking it can lead to wasted resources & frustration. I'm done with spinning my wheels. How about you?

I like having better outcomes and I'm sure you do too so I'll give you a short example. A teacher asks their students to rearrange the classroom. The students look confused and with a mix of efforts, randomly move furniture around. The teacher didn't get the expected result so they try a different approach. The teacher explained that they wanted to teach from the far side of the room and just wanted all the student to turn their desk & chair around in the same spots they had to just face the other way. In no time all the furniture was moved and everyone was settled. How easy was that? There are SO many ways to seek clarity. The secret to success is in being fully present with mind, body, and spirit. How can you find clarity in any of these areas so you can show up ready to serve. Clarity of self brings clarity & direction to how you life, work, and play.

The How-Tos

Listen to your heartbeat in your chest. Feel it. Are you excited? The good news is I've listed some how-tos below. The bad news is it's not even close to a full could also see that as good news too, lol. Clarity doesn't just happen in your mind but also in your physical environment. Think about how you go about your day. Which aspects do you have control over and which are not in your control. Only focus on the things you can control.

Here are a few ways to gain clarity:

  • Clean out your closets

  • Organize your desk & files

  • Do some spring cleaning

  • Practice gratitude

  • Spend more time with people who help you grow

  • Practice mindfulness

  • Create a vision board

  • Write down your priorities

  • Start journaling

  • Get quality sleep

  • Attend masterminds

  • Get a great coach (~cough~ insert shameless plug here)

  • Allow & express emotions

  • Research & talk it out

  • ...etc

Since there are so many areas in which to find clarity, think of something that is giving you a hard time right now: What are my beliefs around this topic or question? Is there a person, emotion, or story behind this belief? What is the discomfort that is having me want to shy away?

Never-Ending Story

Your never-ending clarity story is what you make of it. You won't find flying dragons along the way, but you will find the magical feeling of motivation and confidence the more you put into solidifying your personal & professional identity. The more you learn and grow, the deeper your character becomes & the better you can play the role. You don't need perfect clarity as it doesn't exist! You DO need to act with the best version of you so you can show up and create the impact & income you want.

Don't forget, if you missed Part 1, you can find it HERE.

Which question do YOU find hard to answer about yourself?

Share by using the hashtag #BEDMASlife.

Learn, Love, and keep your Momentum, Laura Lake <3


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