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Success Is In The Clarity - Part 1

Simplify, align, connect, & believe that YOU have what it takes to be successful.

Problem solving 101 says that having awareness of the problem & getting clear on defining it is the first step to solving it. As entrepreneurs we are in the business of solving problems. As human beings, we are constantly confronted with obstacles & ask questions. Problem solving and coming up with creative solutions is what we do! This is why when I shifted my business to fully coaching, I created a spread sheet to lay out a few things so I could figure it out. On this particular sheet was a bunch of words I felt were important outcomes for my coaching. The first word is CLARITY. Key Words

There are 8 key words running down the left side of my sheet. They are the intentioned outcomes that cover what entrepreneurs say they want as well as what I feel will move them forward. They are:

  • Clarity

  • Confidence

  • Energy

  • Joy

  • Direction

  • Focus

  • Motivation

  • Performance

Each of these words are detailed out in a few different columns that help me gain awareness and clarity on what they mean and how they lead to success.

Definition of CLARITY

According to clarity means "clearness or lucidity as to perception or understanding; freedom from indistinctness or ambiguity;" and "the state or quality of being clear or transparent to the eye; pellucidity."

Clarity in business is not just what you do, who you serve, and how you're different.

Clarity in business is not just what you do, who you serve, and how you're different. Clarity also entails how you think & feel, as well as how you act and what you believe. The mental filters we put on all incoming data of our 5 (or more) senses changes how we perceive and understand both ourselves and the world around us.

What kinds of mental filters do you have? How transparent are you with yourself? Do you hide away parts of you or shy away parts of your business?

Benefits of CLARITY

We're trying our best to figure out our unique path and series of obstacles along our journey of life and business. It's not always easy as everyone around us tries to tell us what to do. We try to copy the things we resonate with or feel could work for us.

It's not that simple.

Because we're all a different collection of skills, experiences, personality, character, etc, we need to create our own path that uses the tools and processes that others in similar obstacles have used. They only work if you understand the obstacle, how you work, and the job of each tool. Ex. I don't suggest a blog customer funnel to someone who has a hard time writing but this expert over here says to "just follow their exact steps and you too can own a fancy car and second vacation home." Having clarity helps with:

  • creating better goals with a greater fit, making them more achievable

  • saying "no" to the wrong (for you) opportunities and "yes" to the right ones

  • honing & focusing our intuition and inner voice

  • developing more compassion for ourselves and others

If you knew what you needed to do next, would you do it? When does your inner critic show up? Are their patterns?

In what ways are you taking away self-trust?

CLARITY for Success

Businesses are built on relationships. Since you can only connect with someone else as far as you've connected with yourself, it's imperative for solopreneurs to do personal development work. Why? They are the face, heart, and hand of their business. Their's nobody else to lead and they have to step up. They're no longer in an employee role, they have to learn to manage themselves. This self-management is a personal growth skill that translates into their business.

How clarity within yourself & your business leads to success:

  • save time

  • save money

  • lower stress

  • manage challenges more easily

  • better, quicker, & easier decisions

  • healthier relationships

  • simplifies the complex

  • take action

  • more fulfilled

  • feeling more "ready"

  • increased motivation

  • elevated energy

  • and SO much more...

When was the last time you were sure of your next step?

Do you know what's important to you and your business? Are they similar?

How well can you articulate yourself?

Next Week

The next part of this story goes into what all of this information is based on. How are we actually getting the results? Why does it work? What kinds of things can we do to practice gaining clarity? Clarity is not something you ever stop doing because we are constantly learning and growing as a human being. Since things are changing and evolving, so must we.

I've spent way too much time trying to take in the whole picture of everything I could be doing instead of honing in on 1 thing I want to do and being fully present with it. Clarity is always something that helps me focus and create meaningful change. I'll see you next week for some core concepts and how-to's.

What does clarity do for YOUR success?

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Learn, Love, and keep your Momentum, Laura Lake <3


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Laura Lake

As an ENFJ, Laura sees the potential in those around her and strives to help them grow. Whether it's designing healthy buildings or speaking to an audience on stage, Laura shows her passion, playfulness and authenticity.


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