If you Google "how to get new clients," "how to get rich,"" how to market," and "how to make sales," you get all sorts of juicy, detailed information! We attempt to implement on our own or hire somebody to help us, but results are non existent or inconsistent at best. Sound like you? That's because you're probably confusing your market or even yourself! Sales start with YOU! We keep talking about all the deep "feely" stuff because every single step of your success starts with YOU!
Who are you? Your personality, preferences, and experience all play a role in how you interact & do business. Your perception of the situation and how you respond will either build up a relationship, or not.
You could love, grow, and sell the best peaches on the planet, but if you, your product, or your service isn't in line with my wants & needs, I won't be buying from you. (Personally, I'm not a fan of peaches. Try selling me strawberries instead.)
According to Dictionary.com, the definition of clarity is:
Clarity - noun
clearness or lucidity as to perception or understanding; freedom from indistinctness or ambiguity.
It's the quality of being easily understood, perceivable, and distinguishable by the eye, ear, and mind. What makes you, you? What is the core of your business?
"You first sell people on a promise, a vision, or a desire...NOT the product or service itself."
Clarity of who you are, why you're in business, how you serve, and the results you get is the initial sell. You first sell people on a promise, a vision, or a desire...NOT the product or service itself.
Having people understand you and what you do will have them open up to you. You have their attention...that is, until you start to confuse them.
Branding & marketing only amplify your message. Having a high level of clarity will pull people in and follow you. If you stay on message & don't switch things up, you'll avoid making your followers feel lost, and help them feel heard & connected instead. The opposite of clarity is ambiguity. It's defined by Dictionary.com as:
Ambiguity - noun
doubtfulness or uncertainty of meaning or intention
Having the same intention but changing the "how" is tricky, but still doable. You're still going to help people get the result from the initial sell, but the journey will be slightly different. People need to feel safe in your hands. Stick to the core of who you are and the outcomes you sell, and you'll attract the right people to sell to.
"Stick to the core of who you are and the outcomes you sell, and you'll attract the right people to sell to."
Connection Let's say we just met. I tell you: "I help small businesses like yours succeed" & hand you a business card. I seriously hope you look at me funny because that is NOT helpful. You're all confused at what it is I actually do, throw my business card in a drawer somewhere, and you never tell anyone about me because really...you don't know either. ... Let's say we met again & I've been putting in the work to get really clear. I tell you: "I help heart-centred solopreneurs manage their mind, so we turn the 4 reasons they fail...into their 4 keys to higher performance" & ask you about you. Whoa...a whole lot different. If this sounded like something you'd love to hear more about or have a friend who could use my services, you'd be the one asking for a card. (I no longer do business cards. That's a whole other conversation for another day.) What's the difference between our meetings? The first felt very distant, unclear, and disconnected. It was all about getting my card in your hand. The second was more genuine, articulated, personal, and open to giving you the opportunity to talk about yourself.
"People love to buy, but don't like to be sold to. Focus on their desires, not yours."
Connection starts by going deeper, getting clearer, and thinking about the wants & needs of the other person.
People love to buy, but don't like to be sold to. Focus on their desires, not yours. This clarity in communication is what helps build the connection required to pass the value of money from hand to hand. I'd love to hear your current elevator pitch! Share by using the hashtag #BEDMASlife.
Learn, Love, and keep your Momentum,
Laura Lake <3