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Why Entrepreneurs Crave Learning

I read 6 articles, watched 2 videos & took a mini online training before remembering to write this.

You start your day by grabbing your phone to check social media, and any notifications. It's not the best start to your day, but it helps you feel connected to the world around you and the people you want to help. Somebody shares an article or comments on a certain topic and before you know it, it's 10am, you're 4 articles and 1 video deep into learning about it, and you haven't even started your work tasks yet.

Sound familiar? If this isn't your morning routine now, I'm guessing in some not-so-distant past it probably was. All it took was a single idea to start your fall down the rabbit hole of information. Need tips on getting out? Check out last week's post on avoiding information overload HERE.

Curious Thinkers

Most of us have been super curious for most of our lives. We don't necessarily want to know about everything, but when it comes to anything related to our passions we just can't seem to stop asking questions.

Now, I'm not sure if this is because we actually process things differently or if we just naturally gravitate away from "thinking inside the box." To me, box thinking is related to the need to label and organize everything into neat little boxes. These boxes group thoughts for easy access, understanding, and comparison. Entrepreneurs aren't generally fond of limiting ourselves like that, as innovation happens when seemingly separate thoughts come together in a unique and creative way. We crave inspiration and connection through finding these answers. Let it flow, let it floooow!

Employee to Entrepreneurial Mindset

There is a big difference between the way an employee and an entrepreneur thinks. This post will just focus on the transitional journey. We've spent most of our lives being taught to be an employee, that the journey to a greater entrepreneurial mindset can take a long time and a lot of effort.

We make this journey by finding any way we can to learn & grow beyond it. We'll search for articles, books, apps, videos, webinars, seminars, conferences, retreats, mentors, communities, groups, workshops, courses, coaches, consultants, ~takes a deep breath~ ...and anything else we can find to help us move forward. It can feel like movie The Truman Show starring Jim Carey, when you discover life is beyond than what you believe it to be. We are allowed to have weaknesses, we don't have to know everything, and life is not about clawing your way to the top. Not having a boss or someone else tell you what to do and how to do it constantly, forces you to learn it on your own or find someone to teach it to you. Passion, inspiration, and new awakenings are powerful motivators.

Mixed Thoughts & Problem Solving

Entrepreneurs are in the business of solving problems. We aren't content with how things have always been done, what has always worked, or giving generic one-size-fits-most service. We're constantly looking for newer, better, smarter, and more efficient ways of doing things. Problem solving is about seeing the big picture, finding patterns, and making connections. We have so many thoughts running through our minds with all the potential relationships that can be formed between them. It can be a mess in there but letting these thoughts intermingle outside their boxes really lets loose the creativity. Learning allows us to identify & connect the patterns more easily.

This different way of thinking probably got you a few comments about not following procedure and what's in your job description, but that's what makes you stand out as an entrepreneur! You're in business to make a difference. The only way to do that is to do things different! See, you fit right in. We love you for it! Your Desire to Learn

Beyond being an entrepreneur, we all have our own unique reasons we crave learning more. It could be for validation, independence, status, fulfilling your dream of winning a TV game show, etc. What is YOUR reason for learning? Use the hashtag #BEDMASlife. Learn, Love, and keep your Momentum, Laura Lake <3


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Laura Lake

As an ENFJ, Laura sees the potential in those around her and strives to help them grow. Whether it's designing healthy buildings or speaking to an audience on stage, Laura shows her passion, playfulness and authenticity.


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