As of yesterday I realized I had made a decision. I'm done following other people's definitions of what authority means. You know, the people who say: "Who are YOU to do what you do?" "What makes YOU an authority on the subject?" These types of questions can be harsh, but we have to remember they stem from the beliefs of the person posing the question...even when it's ourselves. We don't have to adopt or keep these beliefs if they're not adding value to us. Let me start by saying: Authority is NOT given, it's owned from within. Authority
Take a deep breath first. We were taught that authority is bestowed upon us by another authority figure because that's how much of our society works as part of a legal system or political process.
I'm not talking about any legal authority, they have their own rules. Right now, right here, I'm talking about being an entrepreneur that uses advice and experience to help their clients and customers come up with answers & plans to solve problems. Dictionary.com defines this type of authority as:
an accepted source of information, advice, etc
Are YOU a source of info and advice? Do you and your audience both accept your ability to advise? Anyone can accept anyone as an authority if you earn their trust. Stepping up with your experience & expertise to guide or direct others is leadership.
The job of an entrepreneur is to innovate, create change, and shift the status quo. This means taking a leadership role that builds trust, faith, inspiration, routine, and order.
Leaders guide or direct groups by doing the following:
Gaining clarity of vision
Inspiring by example
Committing to decisions
Embracing fear
Expressing passion
Showing humility
You don't have to have a special title or have specific training to be a leader. Anyone who is willing to step up and practice these qualities & actions can be.
A consistently high quality of leadership will guide you into a place of authority.
Not everyone will be a good leader though. The development of your practice will dictate the quality of your leadership. A consistently high quality of leadership will guide you into a place of authority.
Our Type of Authority
The type of authority we want in our business is the kind that shows we're somebody worth listening to, that gets people to take action, and portrays us as leaders. We're here to solve problems & up level progress.
It doesn't matter how many trainings you've had, what your message is, how good you are at your area of expertise, or what titles & accomplishments you've collected; if you don't start believing it now, you won't believe it tomorrow.
If you don't start believing it now, you won't believe it tomorrow.
Nobody wants to listen to someone who is unsure of themselves. Gain clarity & remove doubt. Prove you can trust yourself & gain confidence. Look back to the leadership qualities and think about the people you follow and you feel have authority in this same way that we are trying to cultivate.
I'll say it again: This kind of authority is NOT given, it's owned from within.
Internal Authority
Start by gaining some proof you're already an authority by asking yourself questions like:
Where do I get my information? Is it from personal &/or professional experience, relevant skills, special training, self-directed or formal learning, personal or business connections, etc?
How do I formulate my advise? Are there shared beliefs, limits to my knowledge, gaps in implementation or review, biases & opinions, limited amounts of data, character traits that can add value, etc?
How am I communicating value? Am I being clear, sounding confident, using similar language, addressing the struggle & desire, simplifying the complex, making it actionable & easy to follow, following through, etc?
What other proof do I need to feel confident in my authority? What emotions & beliefs come up that need to be addressed? What is my definition of authority? Am I owning my struggles story?
Look at the list you've created. All of this is you. Does it show you have the ability & capability to act? That's your power. Don't resist it, breathe it in. Say "thank you." The quality of your authority and leadership will increase the more you believe it yourself, but it starts with you. You're the only person who has the authority on your experiences. Nobody can say you did/didn't feel or experience something except for you! Start there and build on it.
Don't worry, I wasn't going to leave you hanging with the difficult questions that I opened with. Here are my simple, non-defensive answers: Who am I to do what I do? I have a story of struggle & resilience people need to hear. What makes me an authority? My experience, learning, and results have changed my life in many ways and I've dedicated my life to being the example of the change I wish to inspire in others. My personality, story, information, and advice is not for everyone and I'm okay with that. For me, authority is no longer about writing my book, getting on stage, and having so many social media followers. It's now about showing up with more conviction than ever because change doesn't happen unless somebody steps out of the comfort zone to build it! Are you coming with me?
What is a new way of measuring your authority?
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Learn, Love, and keep your Momentum,
Laura Lake <3