Drawing pictures of the intangible helps these ideas seem less imaginary and more real. Last week we drew circles I call Wellness Wheels, divided them into pie slices, and coloured them in. The size of each pie slice corresponded with a simple question: "On a scale of 1-10, where do I feel I am when it comes to ____?" It's not about the colouring, but it is about the visual representation of information. Something like a feeling is not easily measured, compared, or understood as clearly as something that's tangible like your height.
Intangible Results Results aren't always something you can touch, feel, or easily measure. Your health and success journeys are no different.
When it comes to health, people will typically measure things like weight, physical size, blood pressure, and heart rate. What about some of the intangible results like hunger, cravings, and energy? What about not being bloated, tired, or stressed?
Success in business is typically measured by the "bottom line." I didn't even know what that meant until about 2012! I thought people talked about the impact they had on their customers. Turns out it means how much profit a company made. What about the lives changed due to better quality of life, environmental consideration, and making the world a better place?
..."bottom line." I didn't even know what that meant until about 2012!
These outcomes are just as real, if not moreso. They relate to what we desire, and generally to why we started this journey to begin with. Don't dismiss the importance of the emotional connection when it comes to making a change. Almost all of our decisions are rooted in emotion.
Learn to Visualize
Have you ever heard that writing down your goals helps you accomplish them quicker? Part of that has to do with the physical act of writing it out, and the other part is seeing your thoughts written down. The more senses used to experience something, the more cognitive connections are made, and the more real & in-depth it seems. Infographics like a wellness wheel are much easier to absorb as our minds don't work in language as much as in pictures. Just think about all the times you could have written a whole sentence about how you felt, but you just sent a great gif or emoji instead to get your point across.
It's All In Your Head
Just because there's no fancy device to measure how good you feel, doesn't mean the feeling isn't real. Honour yourself by allowing us to make your health & success more real.
Honour yourself by allowing us to make your health & success more real.
Grab a pen & paper.
Draw 2 circles. Label one "health" & the other "success." Mark the centre as "0", half-way to the edge as "5", and the edge as "10."
Think about what health & success FEEL like. Think emotions & our 5 (or more) senses.
Beside each corresponding circle, write a few examples of #2 that you believe capture your personal definition of "health" and "success."
Divide each circle into the same number of pie pieces as the corresponding examples listed. Label them with key words matching the examples so you don't have to write them all out again.
Ask yourself "On a scale of 1-10, where do I feel I am when it comes to ____?" Fill in the blank with each example you listed from #3. Draw an arc along each number you chose & colour in each pie slice.

Look at the wheels you drew. It's all important in your eyes but very little of it is easily measurable. Love can't be measured easily either, but it's the driving force of motivation.
Love can't be measured easily either, but it's the driving force of motivation.
Motivation Love is one of the greatest motivators because it gives us direction & pulls us forward. Next week we'll discuss the 2 major influences of motivation and how visualization of the intangible ties into it all.
What motivates you that's intangible?
Which piece of the pie was your highest number?
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Learn, Love, and keep your Momentum,
Laura Lake <3