The intention of certain buzz words and quotes is to motivate you, but when things are taken out of context or to the extreme, things can get pretty ugly. Entrepreneurs love to use the word "hustle" but let's address how these good intentions can easily turn into disease.
Are You Hustling?
According to Dictionary.com, the definition of "hustle" is: Hustle noun 1. energetic activity, as in work.
2. discourteous shoving, pushing, or jostling.
The common belief is that "hard work brings success." Some believe that in order to get ahead you need to be quick on your feet, always reaching for what you want because your competition may get there before you and take all the success. Where is the line between each definition? How do we know how much is too much or not enough? Common Expectations
Our first level of understanding for the term "hustle" includes ways for us to get things done. People who want to hustle are encouraged to:
get up earlier
stay up later
work through break times
make all commutes productive
work quickly
keep pushing forward
just make it work
keep giving the best
This advice may or may not be useful to you depending on how you choose to apply it. As our understanding grows, we use it in different ways.
You take initiative, makes goals, work toward getting them done and yet HOW you do it isn't really important at first. This is where things get ugly.
At first we believe the hustle hype and expend an enormous amount of energy trying to get ahead only to burn out. Why? Generally people will get caught up in busywork that doesn't actually help bring the main goal much closer. (I've been there!)
Oh, we think it does and will fight tooth & nail to defend our actions. (I think some of us deserve a medal for passion with this one.) In hindsight they were such minuscule steps forward that we could have made leaps and bounds with a smarter approach.
We focus so much on these details that we run ourselves rampart trying to please everyone and do things perfectly. At some point we make decisions that trade our health for the pursuit of wealth and we can easily crash.
At some point we make decisions that trade our health for the pursuit of wealth and we can easily crash.
We're not machines. This overwhelm is what leads to disease.
Healthy Hustle Hustling to burnout is unsustainable. We can't keep trading our biggest asset as an entrepreneur (YOU) for wealth when it's the asset that makes the wealth to begin with!
Working hard is not the best way to hustle. We all know lots of hard working people who are no further along than before & still stuck in their ruts. Taking time to reflect on how to get things done well, efficiently, and in a satisfying manner is the smarter way to hustle.
Taking time to reflect on how to get things done well, efficiently, and in a satisfying manner is the smarter way to hustle.
Let's stick to the first definition of hustle and work energetically.
Energy Find that passion, that purpose, that why that pulls you forward. Get clear on it. Stay focused. Experience it in your mind & practice the habits that will get you to success. Be aware of your thoughts & feelings. See if they help you move forward or keep you stuck.
Our minds are amazing things. Make choices that have consequences you are okay with because the pattern of our choices determines our direction. If you want to be headed for your goals then make sure your pattern of choices reflects that direction.
As a heart-centred entrepreneur, you choose to connect with your passion & energy everyday.
As a heart-centred entrepreneur, you choose to connect with your passion & energy everyday. What does your heart say? Keep those good vibrations going by staying present with yourself so you can hear what your mind and body have to tell you. When you're not listening they'll start to try other ways to get your attention.
How do YOU like to hustle sustainably? Share in the conversation by using the hashtag #BEDMASlife.
Live, Love, and keep your Momentum Laura Lake <3