Getting to know you means understanding where you've been, where you are, and where you're headed. Not everyone is willing to share, but I really appreciate those who do.
I just wanted to thank you for listening to a bit of my story last week. If you missed the introduction post it's called Hello Fellow Entrepreneur! It means a lot to me that you took the time to understand where I'm coming from.
Now, as the conversation continues, it's YOUR turn to tell your story. This week is all about YOU! Start by sharing your name. Use the hashtag #BEDMASlife.
Why Are You Here?
You're looking for something. You might not know exactly what it is, but it's probably a few different things. It could be the next step for your journey, answers and insights for your struggles, support for various aspects of business and life, or to just know you're not alone. Whatever it is, it started with your WHY, or your origin story. Everyone loves stories, especially an underdog rising to be a hero. Heroes are just people like you and me who step up despite the odds for something bigger than themselves. What event has made you step up? How does it relate to your business or your why?
Heroes are just people like you and me who step up...
How Are You?
The reason you're in business is usually because you've struggled in your chosen area in the past or you've seen others struggle and wanted to learn how to help. It's the struggle I'm interested in. Struggle is surrounded by a lot of feelings that go every which way. We do our best to process the feelings, become aware of what's going on and of course try to fix it. When I ask "How are you?" I'm asking many things like:
Where are you at in the problem solving & healing process?
What have you learned from your actions so far?
What kind of support do you currently need?
People give support the way they would like to receive it unless given direction or understand you enough to know you need otherwise. How would you like to be supported?
How would you like to be supported?
What Do You Desire?
The event that started your own entrepreneurial origin story had you go through struggle, learn from it, and create change based on the lessons. Sometimes all those events needed to do was give you clarity.
What does clarity look like for you and your business? What are your goals? What is it that you desire from this entrepreneurial journey? What makes your heart burn or ache if you don't take action? Clarity can only be spoken to others if you can speak it first to yourself. Clarity feeds passion and desire. Own it, speak it, and tell the world so we can help you get there.
Question Time! Have an origin story you'd like to share? Maybe a struggle you're working through? How about the inspiring goals you have for your business?
This week is meant to get to know YOU! Pick your favourite questions from this post or just share a bit about yourself using the hashtag #BEDMASlife.
Live, Love, and keep your Momentum! Laura Lake <3