First things first...you're not going to die if your almost finished blog post randomly gets deleted in the middle of you writing it, and your soft deadline to get it to your audience is in 30 minutes. Yes, that just happened. Seriously. (Why internet gods, whyyyyy?)
I'm taking a break. ~deep breaths, snack~...ok, I'm back. Being comfortable is fine, but there is very little (if any) growth or creativity there. Creativity is one of the foundational duties of an entrepreneur, but safety is keeping you blind to it.
The Comfort Zone Our comfort zone is there to protect us. The survival instinct made sure we avoided danger so we could literally live to see another day, but we were never meant to live everyday like that. The chronic stress of modern life has had an ongoing impact on our need for safety. That deadline can feel like we're back to running away from lions, tigers, and bears...oh my! Our thoughts can easily go from "deadline," to "lost job/income," to "no food & shelter," to "death" in the blink of an eye!
"The chronic stress of modern life has had an ongoing impact on our need for safety."
Everyday people focus on the fear and shrink back to the safety of their comfort zones wishing someone or something will come and save them. The chances of that happening are slim. Your best bet for survival is to grow stronger, wiser, and to get out of that cave you're hiding in. Learn to hunt down your goals & resources. Practice the habits that not only keep you safe, but have you thriving.
Feeling Safe Everyday safety is not something you seek from external sources. Your friends, family, and community cannot protect you from everything. They will not know how to protect you in a way the you want until you teach them how. If all of a sudden your protectors are gone, you'd be right back at square one, nervous that even the slightest breeze on your delicate form will break you. Feeling safe has a lot to do with how you treat yourself.
Safety is being able to build trust in yourself to avoid, prevent, or manage risk of injury or danger. We do that through experience, knowledge, and support from other people, especially those who have been through these obstacles before.
Trust is developed through understanding who you are at your core, honouring your values, respecting & nurturing yourself, as well as practicing healthy skills until they become habit.
When you show up for yourself by being your own champion, you build self-confidence. That consistent practice & confidence in that practice tell other people "This is now my standard. I like it & it works." Now they can get over the limiting thoughts of not knowing what to do, and help in a productive way.
Building confidence is one of the main segways to everything outside your comfort zone. Of course, as you gain confidence in an area, it is added to your zone because now you've developed that comfort that comes with familiarity.
Familiarity comes with practice! You can't become familiar with something you never try.
What is the biggest tiny step you can take right now that will bring you closer to whatever it is you want to be familiar with or gain confidence in?
What is the biggest tiny step you can take right now that will bring you closer to whatever it is you want to be familiar with or gain confidence in?
Afraid of public speaking? Here are various examples of steps you can take:
be around other speakers
practice talking to your camera
practice speaking with authority in the mirror
watch videos of professional speakers
take speaker training classes
do a small talk in front of friends and family
join a speakers group (with no pressure to talk yet)
be a guest on an audio only podcast
Let's stop thinking the world will end when something doesn't pan out the way we want it to. We're pretty awesome to have made it this far, why not learn to trust in ourselves that we'll do the bast we can. If anyone has your back, it's you! This article may not be exactly what I wanted, but it is better than the last one because my heart was more in it. I trust myself to always serve from my heart & here it is yet again. That gives me confidence.
What do you want to gain confidence in?
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Learn, Love, and keep your Momentum,
Laura Lake <3