We teach others how we would like to be treated. Teaching is done through the way we treat others and how we treat ourselves. This is why I've decided we need to set up some ground rules for our new found relationship. It was really easy to find websites talking about how to treat a customer or client, but I want the communication, understanding, and respect to be mutual. Here's what I propose.
First, relationships are 2-way streets that require effort from both parties to be mutually beneficial. I want you to succeed just as much as I want it for myself. We're amazing people with so much to offer the world. Secondly, we need to set boundaries to protect ourselves and others. This means focusing on constructive methods for positivity, doing our best to add value, and establishing a truly caring environment for mutual growth. Ready?
Rule #1: Let go of expectations & practice gratitude instead.
Expectations almost always come with bias standards of perfection. We think something "should," "could," or "would" be a certain way. These are based off our beliefs and perceptions... not the truth. We feel disappointment, hurt, or even anger toward unmet expectations. The best way to deal with this is by appreciating the people, places, and things around us as they are. Practicing gratitude in this way will allow us to find joy, clarity, and even insight where there was none before.
Ex. Expecting support from family & friends. They don't always support us, but so what if they don't? It's not a requirement. Love them for other reasons.
Rule #2: Keep thoughts & actions open & moving.
Moving thoughts are always open to new information or connections. This is how you go from stuck to problem solving. Our brains are bias and want to find evidence only for what we already believe. Instead of using stopping words like "no," "don't," or "can't," use a momentum word like "how." Then connect with your curiosity, observation skills, and desires to open your mind. You can read these articles all day and not learn a thing if you aren't open to it...yet.
Ex. Reading something to get answers.
You can read the same blog article on 5 separate occasions and on the 6th time finally connect the dots in your head and get an ah-ha moment.
Rule #3: Always give a value exchange.
NOTHING is ever 100% free. There is always some sort of exchange like time, energy or information.
What I'm looking for is an equal value exchange. When anyone gives something for free and you see value in it, share it with others who could benefit from it. When you share value, ask for value in return.
Energy given is energy received. You can't get what you don't give first. This relates back to the very first line in this post: "We teach others how we would like to be treated." Show the world what you desire.
Additional Rules
There are so many other rules we could add, but I feel these 3 are slightly off of what you would normally expect. I want this to be a place of growth, not just acceptance. Feel the things you need to feel, but keep moving forward! What out-of-the-ordinary style rules would YOU add to this list as we create our community together? Use the hashtag #BEDMASlife. Live, Love, and keep your Momentum, Laura Lake <3