Have you put in your supposed "10,000 hours" to become an expert, and still feel your accomplishments only happened out of pure luck? Last week I started to describe the entrepreneurs theory on imposter syndrome. Imposter syndrome is not just something that happened to start in your mind, it's all the forms of feedback in and around you that affect the way you think. Here are 5 ways you can bring yourself back:
Your Journey
Your Accomplishments
Your Character
Your Environment
Your Mind
Lists are great, but what do they mean? Read the descriptions below to dig deeper. Remember, the aim is to go beyond knowing to actually understanding. Your Journey - Never forget where you started.
Your starting point and each milestone after is a place of comparison, not to others but to yourself. Nobody has the same path as you. We're all on winding journeys and trying to figure it out as we go. Progress is motivation, but is only seen by looking back on where you've been. Where did you begin? How far have you come? What have you learned? What obstacles have you faced?
Your Accomplishments - You've overcome challenges along the way. Own them.
From learning to tie your shoe as a kid, to starting a business as an adult, you've accomplished many things. Some challenges may have come easier than others for you, but it doesn't diminish their value. Luck doesn't just happen, we create it by practicing good habits. That contract you landed? That wasn't luck, that was long-term planning to get to the right place at the right time. It takes work to see opportunity & you did it! How did you overcome the obstacles you've faced? What were the results that came from these actions?
Your Character - Design who you want to be, on the foundation of who you are.
You are not who you were, nor are you somebody else. Life is full of experiences that mould us into newer versions of ourselves. Every obstacle is a dent that shapes us & we choose how we respond. You respond based on who you have chosen to be. Keep growing.
How have these obstacles changed me for the better?
How does future me catapult forward because of this growth?
Your Environment - Choose to surround yourself with what's right for you.
It's not always about you. We can't control everything, but we can be aware of the environment we put ourselves in. Surround yourself with the people, places and things that add value to your life and help you grow. Am I getting constructive & honest feedback from my current environment? Do I have a supportive community that focuses on moving forward?
Your Mind - Thoughts are not facts and neither are your beliefs.
That voice in your head tries to get away with a lot. Instead of fighting it, understand it. It is you after all. Setting boundaries with yourself is part of self-care & self-confidence. Confidence doesn't come from knowing what to do, it's about trusting yourself to do your best no matter what the circumstances.
What do I believe expertise looks like for others in my industry? What does success look like for me?
Imposter Recovery You are now in recovery... because I said so, lol. Ok, I hope these few insights help you crack the belief of being an imposter. Focus on who you want to be and just keep practicing. I'm rooting for you! Do YOU have ways that snap you out of imposter thinking? Share it by using the hashtag #BEDMASlife.
Learn, Love & keep your Momentum,
Laura Lake <3