Ugh, the frustration is real! We're told from a bajillion places all the time "All you have to do to get sales is get people to know, like, and trust you, then they'll buy from you." I call BS on this! Have you ever been: - known by your ideal clients - liked by them - and they trust you ...only to have them follow you but NOT BUY from you? It feels like the problem is US because it seems to work for everybody else. Yes, obviously there's a lot more to each of these steps that you need to know behind the scenes of this simple process, but since it's so widely blurted out, I thought I'd just give the framework an update.
The NEW "0 to Hero" framework This update of the typical sales and marketing "know, like, trust, buy" framework is aimed at the deeper understanding and intention of the phrase. It's called the "7-step 0 to Hero" framework.
Most of the selling process happens before you even ask for the sale.
We are all getting much better at finding ways to add value to people via content, hence all the blogs, podcasts, LIVE feeds, etc. The problem still lies in how we're building & nurturing those relationships, not how good our final sales persuasion skills are.
Most of the selling process happens before you even ask for the sale.
The 7 Steps
This article will only cover the basics of what the "7 Step 0 to Hero" framework means. I hope to give you a better understanding of the structure of the Solopreneur Conference as well as way to help you rediscover your own power. To learn the framework in more detail, book Laura Lake to speak with your group. Let's get to it! Step 1: CLARITY Clarity is all about you, your business, and the people you affect. It narrows our focus and gives us direction all while dissipating doubt.
Clarity is: - knowing yourself & your business - your message - knowing what you have to offer - how you communicate - what distinguishes you from others - what you have in common - your vision - the reasons, whys, and purposes that guide you - how you position yourself - taking note of things you've overcome - building confidence - etc
Step 2: ATTENTION Attention is being able to get past people's mental filters so you both feel seen, heard, and understood. Attention is: - your branding - how you position yourself in the market & socially - captivating energy, thought, curiosity - meeting alignment - how you promote - speaking out - working with the reticular activating system (RAS) - being visible - showing up - etc Step 3: CONNECTION Connection focuses on the fact that we are all human beings with needs, wants, and dreams. Why should one bother gifting you their attention? What gift do you give in return? Connection is: - about all persons involved, relationships - knowing, liking, & trusting - relatable content - consistent attention - being open to listening & helping - how you position yourself - partnerships & collaboration - a mutual investment - meeting needs - not just networking -etc Step 4: VALUE Value isn't just about money, but the tangible and intangible things that have an affect on us. Value is: - what you bring to the table - your experience & skills - the struggles you've overcome - the tools and content you share - how you position yourself - the intention behind the actions - creating win-win-win scenarios - getting to the root cause - etc
Step 5: SERVICE Service is how you show up and be present for all persons involved while doing your best to perform your role. Service is: - being present - having the ability & skill to do the work - going above minimum requirements - how you package your products & services - partnering & collaborating - promoting with helping intention - having integrity - working through abundance - etc
Step 6: INSPIRATION lnspiration is what gets us to make decisions, take action, and even buy.
Inspiration is: - motivation from within - what causes us to buy - emotional triggers - testimonials - data, numbers, faces - addressing fears & desires - detailing our vision - energy & excitement - etc
Step 7: CHANGE
Change is all about seeing the difference we make in our own lives as well as the lives of our clients, customers and communities.
Change is:
- our desires, dreams, and visions
- measuring results
- taking notice of impact
- the ripple effect into our community
- innovation
- testing the status quo
- asking great questions
- etc
In the end it's all used to gain more clarity and start the process all over again.
Share It
None of the tools, processes, and insights I come up with do I ever want to keep hidden away for myself. Life is so much better in many ways when we share our answers and everybody grows.
Please, find that friend who is struggling and share this NEW and unique "7 Step 0 to Hero" process. If the only thing they absorb from it is the gift of not blaming themselves for "doing everything right and it coming out wrong," then that's still a win.
If you'd like to experience this process first hand, I invite you to learn about your story and "emerge with clarity" at this year's Solopreneur Conference on November 17th 2020. We work together during every session to practice what we've learned & put the puzzle pieces together in small groups. Solopreneurs choose their team. We choose YOU!
Share this framework with a friend! Use the hashtag #BEDMASlife.
Learn, Love, and keep your Momentum,
Laura Lake <3
SolopreneurConference.com Facebook.com/LauraLakeDesigns