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Hello Fellow Entrepreneur!

Here, I made you your favourite!

Hello & WELCOME!

My name is Laura Lake & I'm so happy you've landed on this blog. Come on into the community & make yourself at home.

THIS is a place dedicated to heart-centered entrepreneurs looking to make an impact on the world. YOU are in the RIGHT PLACE! Again, I'm so glad to have you here and bringing all the amazing that you are (even if you don't know it yet).

Let's both start off with a bit of an introduction and WHY we're even here. Since I'm writing the blog and we engage in conversation afterwards, I'll start.

It doesn't begin on an alien planet, with the death of loved ones, or after a crazy accident. Wait, that last one is actually partly true. My story doesn't begin there, but it's the cornerstone of who I have become. Now where were we? Ah yes, super hero origin story...

The Best Bike Accident

In 2011 I was in a bicycle accident that ended in hitting a telephone pole. The whole time I was doing physics calculations in my head so my 17 month old daughter would still have a mother. Decisions were made. It was better to try to dive around the telephone pole than to be hit by an SUV.

The physical impact was not the traumatic part. Still laying on the ground a paramedic said to me “If you were any other person, you'd be dead right now.”

“The physical impact was not the traumatic part.”

Health Starts With B

The accident left me unable to feed, dress, or even use the washroom myself. What a blow to your independence and confidence when you're not allowed to look after your own daughter & can't even take care of yourself. I was diligent about healing my physical body. Five weeks in a row of sending your baby to Grandma's house can be motivating to get well soon.

During the healing process for the next 3 years I realized everything I knew & taught about health was lacking. The body change results were no longer happening despite the help of over 10 different doctors and health practitioners. What was I missing?

This is when I developed my formula of holistic health called the BEDMAS of Wellness™. Wellness starts with what's already going on in our body first, not what we do to it.

New Perspective

The accident made me realize all the things that were important to me. It gave me the opportunity to reignite my dreams. The lessons from PTSD & mental health helped to paint a bigger, bolder, and brighter picture not just of health, but my life.

I practiced architecture & wellness coaching for most of my life. The focus of sustainable living has always been part of my work. By going through these events, we learn to grow. It makes me a better mom, wife, and entrepreneur. I never would have taken the chance on my dream if I wasn't in that accident. It was the best thing that ever happened to me because I learned SO much.

Dear Entrepreneur

Learning doesn't stop after one hurdle on the road of life. There will be MANY others. All the stress & trauma has lead me to be here with YOU, and I wouldn't have it any other way!

"Dear entrepreneur, you have some amazing strength inside you."

Know this: Dear entrepreneur, you have some amazing strength inside you. I will help you create that foundation of health so you can perform at a higher standard. We'll talk about the hard stuff like mental health, but I'm here for you. <3

Something brought you here today. Whether it was Google, a friend, or whatever deity you believe in, I'm grateful to have you.

Tell me why YOU'RE HERE on social media! Use the unique to us hashtag #BEDMASlife.

Learn, Love & keep your Momentum,

Laura Lake <3


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Laura Lake

As an ENFJ, Laura sees the potential in those around her and strives to help them grow. Whether it's designing healthy buildings or speaking to an audience on stage, Laura shows her passion, playfulness and authenticity.


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© 2019 Sustyleable Design Inc & Laura Lake

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