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Didn't I Just Deal With That?

Are you filling your stress cup or self-care cup?

I can't tell you how many times I've said "I thought I healed all of that" in a month. After 9 years of actively and intensely trying to heal my mind, on my own and with help, I still have more layers of false beliefs, thoughts that don't serve me, and past trauma to work through. It's not that I didn't do the work (oh boy, believe me I have!), it's that my subconscious didn't think I could handle the next layer of it yet & was protecting me from it. It's all normal and okay! Protection The subconscious records everything we experience. Think of it like a VR recorder or holodeck both inside your mind and in your environment. (Holodecks are sci-fi TV tech.)

" subconscious didn't think I could handle the next layer of it yet & was protecting me..."

There are no judgements to the data itself. Judgements happen when we continue to connect certain data points together through consistent use. These routes of connection are called neural pathways. The more you use them, the stronger they become. The less you use them, the weaker they become. Strong neural pathways become strong habits. Weaker pathways are weaker habits. Ex. A grass path to school that has turned to dirt from frequent use during the school year will have a chance to grow over again before the fall.


According to neural linguistic programming (NLP), there are 3 main ways we communicate between the conscious & subconscious. They are called visual (seeing), auditory (hearing), and kinaesthetic (feeling).

Which is your main communication style? How will you communicate to strengthen the neural pathways you want?

No matter what you're trying to deal with or heal, there has to be communication to the subconscious to help your unconscious/intuitive self get on board.

Intuition The unconscious consists of the automatic processes of the mind. Though we're not clear exactly what it is, we do know the unconscious is intuitive thought and linked to the subconscious.

"How are we being protected by NOT dealing with something?"

It's the state in which we store instinct, automatic thought, motivation, and hidden thoughts & feelings. This helps us realize there are other factors involved called "secondary gains" that will side step our initial goal of trying to deal with something. It's not always about what we consciously think we want or need. How are we being protected by NOT dealing with something? What is the greater benefit we feel has more weight? Does it serve a more basic human need?

Another Layer

When you deal with something, your subconscious is saying "I think you're ready to handle the next part." If that's not a show of strength, growth, and courage, then I don't know what is. It's saying you've levelled up!

Here's a doodle I just did:

Stress Cup - In flow of stress vs out flow of expression.

It shows the inflow of stress, thoughts, emotions, and things we don't want to deal with coming into the top of our cup. The cup represents our capacity to manage our flow. Overflow means burnout and other major issues. It has a valve for the liquid to come out the bottom via all types of expression.

  1. The slower the flow in, or faster the valve releases, the faster our cup drains.

  2. The less full the cup, the more capacity we have for ALL other parts of our lives.

  3. We only see what comes out, not what's left, but we feel & act accordingly.

Perspective Switch

Instead of feeling like your efforts were in vain, remember what it was like before you started dealing and healing whatever it is that's affecting your ability to be present and serve through your passion & big why. Celebrate the fact that every effort you put in has results, no matter how small. Each drop adds up. If you prefer to think of yourself as layered like an onion, the more layers you work through, the more you uncover who you are and how you can serve authentically.

Check-In Do a mental check of how much you're adding to your stress cup everyday.

Continue to consistently work on peeling back those layers and allowing the out flow to increase. Before you know it, you'll be back to healing more than you hide. You'll continue to feel better, level up, and gain confidence.

"Before you know it, you'll be back to healing more than you hide."

Remember, your self-care cup is also connected to the stress cup out flow. It takes extra care to get the drops straight into it, but you'll lose less drops and fill up faster. (Can you tell I like visuals?)

Where are you levelling up?

Share by using the hashtag #BEDMASlife.

Learn, Love, and keep your Momentum,

Laura Lake <3


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Laura Lake

As an ENFJ, Laura sees the potential in those around her and strives to help them grow. Whether it's designing healthy buildings or speaking to an audience on stage, Laura shows her passion, playfulness and authenticity.


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