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Are You Manifesting Your (Limiting) Beliefs?

Manifest & attract money by sharing the gratitude of how you receive it and what you do with it.

Limiting beliefs are just the consistent thoughts laced with emotions that stops us from moving forward. They are our body's way of saving us from things we don't want. "But Laura, I really DO want money & success!" Yes, but what does money and success actually mean to your subconscious? Is money the root of all evil and will succcess turn you into a greedy monster?

Take a quick quiz HERE to find out some of your subconscious beliefs.

Remember, our conscious thoughts and actions can only take us so far because the subconscious does the majority of data analysis and decision making. Out of tens of thousands of thoughts each day, around 95% of them are subconscious. "But Laura, how am I supposed to manifest my conscious dreams & desires if most of what I'm doing is being undermined by my limiting beliefs?!"

What It Means To Be Alive Fear and desire make us feel alive! They are both meant to elicit actions that will keep us safe and help us survive. What does it mean to live? is always a great place to start when I'm trying to create a foundation of understanding. Problem solving 101 starts with getting clear and defining the problem, so... Life:

1. the condition that distinguishes organisms from inorganic objects and dead organisms, being manifested by growth through metabolism, reproduction, and the power of adaptation to environment through changes originating internally.

In short, what makes us alive is the fact that we grow, function, multiply, & adapt by making changes from within our mind, body, and spirit. Life "Manifested"

I chose the word "manifested" for 2 reasons: 1. It probably doesn't mean what you think it means 2. It's used widely in personal development conversations

People keep using the term "manifest" to mean "think hard and it will come into existence out of thin air." Okay, it's not quite so rough a definition but people hear of the Law of Attraction and misunderstand the full concept. There are 12 laws of the universe and you can find them here.


1. to make clear or evident to the eye or the understanding; show plainly:

2. to prove; put beyond doubt or question:

3. of or relating to conscious feelings, ideas, and impulses that contain repressed psychic material:

We are using positivity, habit change, or even the law of attraction to change our thought patterns (aka making new beliefs) around what we want vs focusing on what we don't want. The goal is to make it clear in our mind, that which we want. We're relating these goals to strong feelings of desire so our subconscious picks up on it and classifies it as important. No-Longer-Limiting Beliefs

"But Laura, how am I supposed to manifest my conscious dreams & desires if most of what I'm doing is being undermined by my limiting beliefs?!" You learn to identify and communicate with your subconscious! "But Laura, how do I do that?" Listen to your body, mind, and gut instinct. Allow your emotions to guide you and you use them as your communication highway back and forth. Start allowing this conversation and seeing what comes up vs shoving them down into the deep dark holes of your chest and stomach never to be seen or heard from again!! Rawr!...until they escape at the most inopportune time! ~facepalm~ First, take note of some of the following:

  1. Words, phrases, & stories you use

  2. Postures, stances, & poses you're in

  3. Assumptions, judgements & opinions you have

  4. Situations you keep getting in

  5. Questions that are hard to answer

  6. Decisions that are hard to make

  7. Where you seek motivation

  8. How you speak to yourself

  9. When you go against your values for someone else

  10. Avoidance, distraction, and burying tactics

You'll see patterns of behaviour that don't match the logic of your knowledge. Gain more clarity by asking yourself questions like:

  1. Why do you believe these things?

  2. How are they unintentionally "benefiting" you?

  3. What is the fear behind them?

  4. What other strong emotions are attached to each of these?

  5. When was the first time I felt these strong emotions?

  6. Are they my experience based beliefs or beliefs passed on to me by others?

  7. What evidence do I have that supports my highest good?

  8. How can I replace the unhelpful beliefs with helpful ones?

The belief is there to help you make automatic decisions. These automatic decisions are just habits and not necessarily helpful. Look for the loopholes, the lack of evidence, and the facts in these non-helpful beliefs.

Keep asking why you believe this thought over and over until your beliefs sound silly to you or until you find the root.

What do you need to say to some of these past experiences? Say it out loud, let it out. Now you're clear & centered enough to reverse engineer your beliefs. Keep asking why you believe this thought over and over until your beliefs sound silly to you or until you find the root. It only seems silly because you don't believe it to be true anymore.

Manifest Dreams

Continue identifying and addressing all emotions and limiting beliefs that you notice. The more you work through, the fewer are holding you back. With less stress and fewer obstacles you'll accomplish your goals MUCH faster.

Make a conscious choice to check yourself. Check your words, your thoughts, your actions and your beliefs. Make conscious efforts to notice, not judge, and be curious about them. make a conscious choice to put your energy into the present moment instead of worrying and planning. OMG, did mindfulness just come up again? Lol, yes it did other Barry. THAT'S how you create change & that's how it's long lasting.

~SHAMELESS PLUG~ If this is something you feel you could use a hand with, reach out to me. From online workshops to my premium group coaching, there's always something to help you move forward. The Solopreneur Conference was requested by solopreneurs just like YOU wanting training for people like us in an environment that supports collaboration. Find out more at

Are you relying on willpower to create change?

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Learn, Love, and keep your Momentum, Laura Lake <3


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