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Are We On the Same Page?

One of my favourite words to say is "bollard."

A Rose By Any Other Name Words have power both in your head and as you speak them out loud. One of the biggest problems in communication is that we all have our own personal understanding & relationship with words. Sometimes a simple word could have various meanings, connotations, and reactions from people. To make sure we're on the same page I wanted to share my own definitions to the main topics of discussion & expertise in this blog.

Who We Are This is a community for heart-centred entrepreneurs that want to make a difference in the world. The way we view things is with a more idealistic & hopeful approach. Our intention is to help people and get paid to do so. This is what makes it possible to keep helping and create change. We are not all or nothing thinkers. There are phases, levels, and expanding standards that help us level up our skills and character. Keep this in mind as we go through the main topics and how I define them. Core Belief This blog is about 3 simple things surrounding the core belief of my business. If you missed the core belief and my made up word "Sustyleable" last week, then check it out HERE. The most important part to remember is it's blended words of "sustainable" & "lifestyle." 3 Main Topics

Sustainable lifestyles can mean many things, but the 3 we will focus on are a blend of experience and expertise. Everything is geared toward supporting entrepreneurs in their unique twist of life. The 3 main topics are:

  1. Mental Health

  2. High Performance

  3. Sustainable Healthy Lifestyles

Mental Health

Mental health is the self-realization, self-management, and desire to contribute beyond oneself expressed through thoughts, feelings, and actions. Good mental health goes well beyond lack of disease.

Mental health is the self-realization, self-management, and desire to contribute beyond oneself expressed through thoughts, feelings, and actions.

How's your ability to enjoy life? What about balancing wants & needs, or activities & efforts? How often do you realize what abilities you actually have? Health is the result of wellness practices that help us thrive through soundness & vigour!

High Performance

Performing at a higher level is about using sustainable efforts that result in succeeding beyond the standard. This means reaching better, faster, and more efficient results not just on occasion but over the long-term.

Performing at a higher level is about using sustainable efforts that result in succeeding beyond the standard.

Most of the time, performance should only be compared within oneself. We will focus on getting YOU to reach for your ever growing potential. Compare yourself to where you were, where you are, and where you want to be.

Sustainable Healthy Lifestyles Sustainable, healthy lifestyles are about creating habits that can be maintained indefinitely. They start on the inside to support the holistic health of your mind, body, and spirit.

Sustainable, healthy lifestyles are about creating habits that can be maintained indefinitely.

Holistic health is BEYOND diet & exercise. This is SO important I created an online course called just that!

YOU are your greatest asset and your mind your greatest tool. Supporting yourself first creates a foundation for success in all areas of life. You deserve to not just live, but THRIVE!

Share what these 3 topics mean to YOU on social media! Use the hashtag #BEDMASlife.

Learn, Love & keep your Momentum,

Laura Lake <3


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Laura Lake

As an ENFJ, Laura sees the potential in those around her and strives to help them grow. Whether it's designing healthy buildings or speaking to an audience on stage, Laura shows her passion, playfulness and authenticity.


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