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30 Days of Daily Practice

Why do it?  |  How does it work?  |  What do I do?

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Habits are what move us forward.
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Why Do It?


Challenges are great ways to experiment with building habits... without the pressure of thinking you have to do it right the 1st time.

Healthy habits keep you starting off right, every time.

How Does It Work?

You know challenges are going to be a challenge because that's the point!
You just keep practicing anyway!

Habits are just things we've practiced SO much we don't need to think about them much anymore.
This makes the task feel easier.

Wouldn't it be nice if the things were easier?

What Do I Do?

Decide what's important. Let go of anything that doesn't honour your values. Invest energy into things that help you move forward.

Practice tiny shifts everyday. Put in the effort & see how things start to change. Share & spread the news!


1st step!

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Let's create

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Laura Lake

As an ENFJ, Laura sees the potential in those around her and strives to help them grow. Whether it's designing healthy buildings or speaking to an audience on stage, Laura shows her passion, playfulness and authenticity.


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© 2019 Sustyleable Design Inc & Laura Lake

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